Ok. Today was eclectic.
Slept in to about 8am, then putzed around an hour or two.
Then I walked downtown about a mile and finally found the electric company which is tucked in a back alley. Sorry no pictures will do next time. Paid for my usage and loaded my account for a few weeks.
From what I have researched, NYC is 18cents per KwH. NC average is 9 cents. I’m paying 9 Lempira which is about 36 cents per. Not surprising.
My landlord said to expect about $1-5 per day. I was a bit scared but have been averaging about $1.8 per day in usage. Maybe I can dial the thermostat down tonight.
I got a hair cut for $4 by some young kid. He whipped out the sheers (2&5) and straight razor and cleaned me up well.
Then went and prepped the boat and went out on a 2 dive trip (24 tanks) I had no “duties” and it was a fun dive. I was partnered with a new DM Chandler. We were asked to set a CESA line for both dives and did so (google it).
The first dive I did a coral survey which is a requirement for DM here. Chandler found the eco-skeleton of a lobster (they shed like crab and snakes).
There was a sting ray that had no fear of humans and cruised around inches from us for most of the first dive.
Second dive was just looking around.
Oh…Dove with my plate/wing today and it was much better than the best I had been using to teach.
Oh. Accidentally dove with my Garmin watch which is rated to 100m but not a dive watch. It survived. My GoPro however seems to have sprung a leak. It was a cheap one, but still, a disappointment.
Was back by 4pm. I was supposed to meet my DM mentor but she’s sick. Will meet her tomorrow. Also will be meeting my Instructor class mentor tomorrow at 5pm. Yay.
Had a couple beers at the shop and then humped it back to apartment. Today is “Carnival” one of the biggest parties of the year, but I’m just not into it.
So I got back and carved up a massive papaya and cooked some rice and chili.
It was a relief to figure out the electric thing. Such a minor hassle. I still have order my tank of water. Oh, finally figured out the ATM. Got a decent exchange rate actually.