I got a late start today I order to ride my bike this morning.
Some of you may know I ride with a Garmin GPS bike computer, but Garmin has been hacked and I can’t upload the data. But I basically rode this route. It was beautifully flat! I miss that. I have NEVER been a climber, and never will be.
In any case, it was a crystal clear day 70-80. The only down side was the horrible chip & seal pavement that was like having a vibrator for a seat for 1.5 hours…not that I know what that feels like.
I stopped in Pocatello, ID to go to a museum that has a replica of a mid-1800s fort for that was a stop for settlers on the Oregon Trail. Pretty cool actually. They lived rough.
The remainder of the drive was pretty flat down the valley to the north of Salt Lake City, followed by a brief climb into Park City.
FWIW, once inside SLC the crazy city drivers were in full force. The order of cross-country drivers gave way to horribly aggressive drivers.